“They love you one minute then hate you the next! Know thyself.” – DeAndre Hopkins
Arizona Cardinals star wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins was responding to Gary Sheffield Jr.’s Tweet of support after the NFL’s second most prolific receiver from last year declared he wasn’t sure about his future in the league. His reason? Their new rules forcing teams to forfeit games if their unvaccinated players have an outbreak.
They love you one minute then hate you the next! Know thyself. https://t.co/aNKbgO5NSK
— Deandre Hopkins (@DeAndreHopkins) July 22, 2021
“Never thought I would say this, but being put in a position to hurt my team because I don’t want to partake in the vaccine is making me question my future in the @NFL,” Hopkins tweeted on Thursday afternoon.
After it was up for about 30 minutes, Hopkins deleted his original tweet and tweeted simply, “Freedom?”
— Deandre Hopkins (@DeAndreHopkins) July 22, 2021
The saddest part about all of this is that the NFL is having a vaccination drive with the memo released today. That’s it. There’s no real concern about Covid-19 outbreaks. It’s about “unvaccinated” Covid-19 outbreaks only. According to Chron:
“If a game can’t be rescheduled and is canceled due to a COVID outbreak among non-vaccinated players on one of the competing teams, the team with the outbreak will forfeit and will be deemed to have played 16 games for purposes of draft, waiver priority, etc,” Goodell added.
For purposes of playoff seeding, the forfeiting team would be assessed a loss and the other team a win.
If there is a virus outbreak because of a “spike in vaccinated individuals, we will attempt to minimize the competitive and economic burden on both participating teams,” the memo said.
In other words, unvaccinated outbreaks are bad and the NFL has no pity but if there’s a vaccinated outbreak, they will bend over backwards to make things right. They say there’s no mandate. Well, this falls just short. In fact, it’s worse than a mandate because it’s a juvenile guilt trip technique. Hopkins kept his head held high but the pressure continues to pour in. Comments on his Tweets were mixed, but most were trying to convince Hopkins he needs to just get vaxxed and shut up.
Pro-vaccine propaganda is incessant. Vaxx-pushers such as the NFL will go to any lengths to avoid mandates, but mark my words. In the end, mandates will happen one way or another. Freedom is failing miserably.