White House Blackout_ Jen Psaki Will Not Be Circling Back This Week as Biden Regime Goes Into Hiding

White House Blackout: Jen Psaki Will Not Be Circling Back This Week as Biden Regime Goes Into Hiding

Americans have been turning to the White House all day as Taliban forces have taken over Afghanistan in shocking fashion. But other than a couple of disastrous interviews Sunday morning, the White House isn’t saying much. This week, it appears they won’t be saying anything at all as Press Secretary Jen Psaki joins Joe Biden and others in the regime in a state of hiding.

“Circle Back” Psaki should be the tip of the information spear with her boss, the alleged President of the United States, vacationing at Camp David with no intentions of talking to America. Instead, she’s on a sudden vacation of her own.

According to The Daily Wire:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is reportedly taking the entire week off as Democrat President Joe Biden remains hidden from public view as the crisis in Afghanistan unfolds.

The automatic reply email, which was confirmed by others, stated “I will be out of the office from August 15th-August 22nd,” and directed questions to other people in the White House.

Radio-silence is the most cowardly, infuriating stance for the White House to be taking. If Trump had done this, it would be deemed dereliction of duty by mainstream media. For Biden, they’re just relieved he’s not embarrassing himself by addressing the world at this time of crisis.