Mike Lindell will go anywhere — and do anything to expose the fraud of US elections.
He’ll even go on the Jimmy Kimmel show.
And he’ll even do it in a claw machine.
Watch (partial transcript below):
Jimmy Kimmel: Now, Mike, the poll actually did show you as the favorite [in the RNC Chairman race], right? The Rasmussen poll.
Mike Lindell: That’s correct. Yep.
Jimmy Kimmel: And then this happened.
RNC Speaker: Mike Lindell received four votes per meet. Dylan received 51 votes and Ron McDaniel received 111 votes.
Jimmy Kimmel: Now, does this seem like an indication that maybe your barometer when it comes to voting is off?
Mike Lindell: No. What it seems like Jimmy is that the RNC — their representatives — didn’t listen to the people of our country that wanted a change in the RNC leadership. Because I was the top of all the polls, I almost doubled both of them combined in the Rasmussen report, which came out last Thursday, the day before the vote . . . I would think that they would’ve went with what the people wanted because they represent the people.