Ultra-Vaxxed Ireland Imposes Curfews, Lockdowns While Still Pushing Even MORE to Get the Jabs

Ultra-Vaxxed Ireland Imposes Curfews, Lockdowns While Still Pushing Even MORE to Get the Jabs

There is a new midnight curfew in Ireland because of a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases. This is happening even as the country’s government is bragging about 93% of the adult population being “fully vaccinated.”

But here’s where it gets weird. They’re claiming that out of 600 hospitalized for Covid, roughly “half” of them are “unvaccinated.” This does not jibe with reports from the ground where hospitals are reporting the vast majority of hospitalized are fully vaccinated. In fact, a local news report that was quickly scrubbed claimed that out of four hospitals contacted, none of them confirmed the “roughly half” narrative being circulated by the government.


The agenda to get every man, woman, and child vaccinated supersedes the truth, particularly as it comes from governments and mainstream media outlets across the globe. They begrudgingly report on data that clearly shows the lack of efficacy of the injections while making certain to reinforce the efficacy narrative. They’re essentially telling people to stop following the science and only listen to what we’re being told by those in charge.

Even if their claims of half of the hospitalized being vaccinated were true, it does not make sense that a nation so heavily vaccinated would be experiencing a spike at all if the vaccines worked. 93% is a huge number that should, if the vaccines were working, mean the country has effective herd immunity. But as all the data reveals, the jabs are not working anywhere near what we were promised. If they’re effective as a treatment, then they should be called treatments. Vaccines are supposed to impart immunity, not protection.

Pandemic Panic Theater continues to rule as the masses passively embrace the agenda being driven by false narratives and lack of critical thinking. Ireland is the shining example of how nothing we’re being told is true.