U.S. Citizen Mother and Her Three Children Escorted by Taliban to Kabul Airport Denied Entry by U.S. General

U.S. Citizen Mother and Her Three Children Escorted by Taliban to Kabul Airport Denied Entry by U.S. General

The American mainstream media cover-up of the carnage that has happened and will continue to happen in Afghanistan is in full swing. They are working on behalf of the Biden regime to suppress news of the tremendous bloodshed and heartbreaking stories of U.S. citizens being abandoned. This is why you won’t see Dr. Lawrence Sellin on CNN any time soon.

Dr. Sellin continues to get reports from trusted sources about ongoing tragedies involving Americans stranded in the Taliban’s newly acquired country. One such story reported by India’s WION revealed that a female American citizen and her three children were denied entry into Kabul’s airport even after the Taliban escorted them to the gates. Dr. Sellin reported that Major General Chris Donahue gave the order to keep them from being evacuated.

“I got a report that four American citizens — and I have images of their passports — a mother who was born in Afghanistan and three of her children who were actually born in Texas, they were escorted to the Kabul airport by the Taliban, no less,” Dr. Sellin said. “And they were refused entry to the Kabul airport to be evacuated by the commander on the ground, General Chris Donahue, apparently under the orders of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley.”

Chairman Milley has been criticized heavily for the Afghanistan crisis, perhaps second only to Joe Biden. The military assessment by Chairman Milley in his recommendations to the White House indicated he knew the Taliban would overrun the nation, but not as quickly as they did.

“In my opinion, it’s not just a matter of incompetence in this evacuation,” Dr. Sellin continued. “It is a matter of deliberate negligence. And I think we can consider now given the attitude of the Taliban that these American citizens remaining in Afghanistan should be considered hostages, and the Taliban will take advantage of that.”

This isn’t the only report from the ground that military personnel were obstructing rather than helping to evacuate desperate Americans. Anecdotal reports have been coming in for over a week prior to the end of America’s military presence there yesterday.

Here’s the interview:

Today, the White House and their media proxies will try to spin the Afghanistan crisis as somehow not that bad. The reality of the situation is far worse for Americans trapped in Afghanistan than the White House will ever acknowledge.