Senator Warns Farmers Can’t Harvest Crops, Analysts Say “Food Shortages” Are Coming

Wyoming Senator Cynthis Lummis has issued this warning about high diesel prices:

“Diesel prices are so high that some crops aren’t even worth harvesting.”

Commentator Mike Cernovich says:

“I’ve never said anything like this before: Food shortages will hit the US next year.”

Another analyst says food shortages will start earlier — in September.


From the video:

“As of June, here is the current change in production of key crops this year compared to last year. So take a look at these charts the first one is rice production is down 0.33 percent year over year. Wheat is down 0.72 percent. Barley is down 1.55 percent. Corn is down 2.49 percent. Oats, they’re down 10.8 percent. Soybeans they’re down 12.3 percent.

Now listen some of these statistics they don’t sound too bad. So for example the wheat production that’s down less than one percent right? However you have to keep in mind that with countries banning the export of many crops and the Russia-Ukraine war, supply chain problems and logistics — they’ve gone from bad to worse.

Therefore at this very moment the world needs production to be up substantially to make up for all these challenges. And that is not the case. Production has not been increasing production has been falling so this is not good.”

He also highlights problems with fertilizer for farmers.

Here’s the fertilizer situation in a nutshell:

The best way to be prepared for food shortages is:

— Have a full pantry

— Plant your own garden

— Get to know local farmers

Another way, if you can afford it, is to stock up on long-lasting ’emergency food.’

‘Emergency food’ means food kits packed with 2,000-plus calories a day that last a long time — some for as long as 30 years.

If you want to explore the world of emergency food, millions of American families have already got theirs from (ordering through this link and the links below benefits The Liberty Daily).

Their emergency food is so popular, MyPatriotSupply is now the largest preparedness company in America.

You can put emergency food kits in a storage area in your house — and worry less about what your family will eat if food shortages ever hit us at home.

For a limited time, there are some special deals at — click here to see them.

The best time to prepare for food shortages is today.

After food shortages hit, it’s too late.