Jen Psaki

Seb Gorka: “Sarcastic Psaki Has One Job” and She Can’t Even Do That When It Comes to Foreign Affairs

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked a very easy question during a recent press briefing. Name the Biden regime’s best foreign affairs accomplishment and state the lessons the regime learned from the Afghanistan debacle. Under normal circumstances and with a normal administration, this would be an easy question because it has been asked of every president or press secretary at the end of every year since the beginning of press briefings.

In other words, they expect this question and have a canned answer at the ready. Psaki delivered the Brandon version:

Some say she was caught off guard which is why she has to “consult with the President” about it. That’s not true. Their will be no consultation because there have already been discussions about how to answer this question. The Biden press team came to the conclusion that they should avoid the question altogether. That’s how bad the regime’s foreign policy has been. There have been ZERO noteworthy accomplishments and they learned NOTHING from Afghanistan.

From their perspective, it’s best to avoid the question rather than allow the few members of the honest press to make a spectacle of it.

Former Trump White House staffer Sebastian Gorka nailed it with his retort:

“Sarcastic Psaki has one job,” he said on a Newsmax panel. “The Propagandist-in-Chief has one job, to sell Sleepy Creepy Biden’s regime and she couldn’t even think of one positive after eleven months. Tells you everything you need to know, guys. What an abject failure.”

To be fair, asking Jen Psaki about accomplishments of the regime is like asking a hostage about the benefits of being held prisoner. When you’ve got nothing to say, it’s best to say nothing and move onto the next question.