
Pro-Vaxx Doctor and Bureaucrat Makes Embarrassing Admission About “Vaccine” Failures

The World Health Organization is lamenting the sudden drop in vaccine acceptance worldwide. They have fallen short of their goal of 70% jabbed and it doesn’t appear there’s an appetite for the unvaxxed to join the world of the vaxxed.

One doctor and bureaucrat attempted to explain the reluctance, and in the process admitted a painful truth for the pro-vaxx crowd. According to Washington Examiner [emphasis added]:

The WHO said in June 2021 that a crucial component of ending the pandemic was to reach 40% vaccination rates by the end of 2021 and 70% by June 2022, which is coming up in a little over a month.

“The reality is that there is a loss of momentum,” said Dr. Isaac Adewole, a former health minister of Nigeria who is now a consultant for the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to the New York Times.

Some health experts suggest they missed their window of opportunity.

“There was a time people were very desperate to get vaccinated, but the vaccines were not there,” Adewole said. “And then they realized that without the vaccination, they didn’t die.

Despite all the fearmongering and gaslighting, the reality on the ground is that vaccine data did not show a measurable decrease in fatality rates between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. It’s already been acknowledged that the jabs do not protect people from getting infected or infecting others, so the narrative shifted in the middle of last year that the jabs would reduce hospitalizations and prevent deaths.

That narrative exists today as the final “logical” reason to get injected with experimental drugs, but the data doesn’t back that claim. Now, the people are starting to realize it. As Dr. Adewole said, the unvaccinated didn’t die. Moreover, we didn’t see the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” the Biden regime touted last year as well.

It seems we’re on the cusp of a widescale awareness that the jabs offer practically zero benefit and pose great risks by themselves. Will the perpetrators of Pandemic Panic Theater give up? Probably not. Instead, they’ll just roll out a new variant or another disease altogether to promote their universal vaccination agenda.