Pharma Exec Privately Admits Dangers of Vaccine to Rand Paul — What You Can Do to Keep Your Family Safe


In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing, Senator Rand Paul told a Moderna executive that his colleague privately admitted that their COVID-19 vaccine led to an increase of myocarditis.

The CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, testified before a hearing held by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and was
questioned by Senator Paul.

In particular, Senator Paul asked about myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, after individuals receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Moderna�™s CEO told Paul that the rate of myocarditis for those who received that Moderna vaccine is less than those who contract COVID-19.

In response, Paul told Bancel, “I also spoke with your president just last week and he readily acknowledged, in private, that yes there is an increased risk of myocarditis. The fact that you can’t say it in public is quite disturbing.”

This tragic fact, which Dr. Peter McCullough and his colleagues at the Wellness Company have warned us about since Day 1, is another reminder of why it is so important to do what you can to protect against spike protein (ordering through this link and the links below benefits The Liberty Daily).

The sad reality is that long after the mask mandates, the shut downs and vaccine requirements are little more than a distant memory, the legacy of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines will continue to haunt us in the form of spike protein.

Dr. McCullough was one of the most outspoken and bravest leaders during the pandemic, and today he is continuing his work to keep Americans healthy and safe in this new post-pandemic era of spike protein.

In a recent substack, Dr. McCullough wrote:

 “Over three years into the pandemic with nearly the entire country having become sick with SARS-CoV-2, a virus engineered to invade the body, there are millions suffering with long-hauler syndrome. Approximately half of patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19 will have post-COVID syndrome which is now understood to be due to persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein within cells, tissues, and organs. Those vaccinated have been additionally loaded with Spike, so may have even a worse course with prolonged symptoms including fatigue, lethargy, brain fog, muscle loss, skin and hair changes, sleeplessness, and effort intolerance. The magnitude of the problem has driven an all-encompassing search for management strategies to resolve the syndrome(s).

 “…I have found nattokinase, the Japanese product derived from natto (a traditional Japanese food made from whole soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto.) to be the most compelling and scientifically supported approach to clear Spike protein out of the body via proteolytic degradation.”

Dr. McCullough has gone as far as to say that nattokinase could be the “Holy Grail” of COVID-19 and vaccine detoxification.

If you or someone you love would like to try nattokinase, The Wellness Company�™s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other critical extracts.

In The Wellness Company�™s Spike Support Formula you will find:

  • Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)
  • Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
  • Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)
  • Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
  • Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
  • Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

According to the Wellness Company, purchasing all the components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 – you can save 36% with the unique formulation in The Wellness Company�™s Spike Support Formula.

Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today!