Gabe Kapler

Nick Adams Calls for Boycotts of Professional Sports Teams With Woke Coaches Like Gabe Kapler Who Condemn the National Anthem

The woke, misguided kneeling trend of the past few years by professional and amateur athletes has been a scourge on America. Their lack of patriotism betrays their spoiled nature; how many of them get part of their paychecks from Communist China, accepting their human rights abuses?

The recent mass murders have prompted a resurgence of this, with San Francisco Giants coach Gabe Kapler refusing to step foot on the field until after the National Anthem is played. Patriot Nick Adams had some thoughts.

“Every single professional athlete and coach in every sport in the United States of America must stand up for our National Anthem,” he said on Twitter. “If they do not stand up for our National Anthem, they should be sent away to a socialist country where they spend time until they realize they need to appreciate what they have in the greatest country in the history of the world.”

The saddest part is the “protests” are rarely about the topic du jour. These opportunistic coaches and players like Kapler are just trying to shine a spotlight on themselves to cover up any failures they have on the field.