If you’re looking for a great Valentine’s Day present, check out the luxurious bath robes from MyPillow. When you use promo code TLD, you’ll get 65% off (and The Liberty Daily will benefit from your purchase).
People “absolutely love” their robes from MyPillow – here’s what they say:
“Hubby Loves His Robe – I bought the heavy-weight robe for my husband for Christmas. To say he loves it is an understatement, he wears it all the time.
It’s nice and heavy and keeps him warm as he is cold all the time. He also likes that it has long sleeves instead of 3/4 length like most robes. It also washes great.”
“I used these robes at a salon so I had to come on here and buy one. Absolutely love these.”
“The Heavyweight Champion of ALL robes everywhere!! – I bought a woman’s lightweight large gray for myself and two heavyweight gray XL for men as Christmas presents for my young son and a family friend last year…My son loves EVERYTHING about HIS robe and we got your slippers for our friend and he’s in love with them.”