Even as Joe Rogan Tests Negative for Covid, Media Still Stuck On Horsey Side of Ivermectin

Even as Joe Rogan Tests Negative for Covid, Media Still Stuck On Horsey Side of Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a drug prescribed to tens of millions of people around the world. It is recommended by the CDC for migrants from Africa. But the media and even the CDC has latched onto the narrative that it’s a “horse dewormer” in an effort to gaslight those who would consider it as a treatment or a prophylactic against Covid-19.

The want every vaccinated and Ivermectin’s existence stands in the way.

Joe Rogan had been vaccinated, but it was a cocktail of drugs, “the kitchen sink,” as he put it, that helped him through his infection for a speedy recovery. Despite being 53 and bordering on the risky age for the disease, it took Rogan a mere four days to go from very sick to Covid-negative.

Even as he announced his new status, mainstream media continue to attack his use of the “horse drug.” An article from The Sun continuously attacked him for using it.

Joe Rogan tests NEGATIVE for Covid days after revealing he’d caught virus and took controversial horse med ivermectin

Ivermectin, which is not classified as an anti-viral drug is meant to treat or prevent certain parasitic roundworm infections in animals and especially horses. Ivermectin is prescribed to animals in highly concentrated doses depending on their size.

Taking the drug in high doses can be extremely toxic to humans and they are not evaluated to help treat people, according to the FDA. It’s also not meant to be a cure for Covid. 

“The best protection we have against Covid-19 is the vaccine,” Dr. Vivek Murthy said during an appearance on CNN. 

“If you get Covid-19, we actually do have treatments that work. Ivermectin is not one of them.”

They specifically worded their attacks on Ivermectin. For example, they say it’s not classified as an anti-viral. This is true. It’s an anti-parasitic. But in recent years, long before Covid-19 was around, it has been tested for its anti-viral properties… in humans. And while it’s true there’s a paste available for horses, the Ivermectin many doctors are prescribing are the pills that tens of millions of people outside of the United States use daily.

According to Lifesitenews:

Cell culture experiments show that Ivermectin has robust antiviral action against a pool of viruses including HIV-1, dengue virus (DENV), Zika virus, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Chikungunya virus, Pseudorabies virus, adenovirus, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Source:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32533071/

If you would like to consult with a doctor about Ivermectin and your physician is unwilling or unable, here’s a resource that lists telemedicine doctors who may be able to help.

Don’t let mainstream media and the CDC jam you over Ivermectin. Do your own research. Talk to doctors. Ignore the conflating of Ivermectin horse paste with Ivermectin pills intended for humans.