DNI's 'UFO Report' Is the Least Informative Document Ever Released by Government

DNI’s ‘UFO Report’ Is the Least Informative Document Ever Released by Government

If you suffer from insomnia, you may want to try to read the nine-page “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” report released today from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It is certain to make you fall asleep as you read the most mundane document ever produced by the United States government, which is saying a lot.

When it first dropped, I got my hopes up because it was conspicuously released on a Friday when government generally drops things they don’t want to garner a ton of attention. In this case, it wouldn’t have received much attention had it been read aloud as a Super Bowl commercial in the pre-woke-NFL days. The closest thing to a “bombshell” from the report is that they haven’t ruled out the possibility of aliens. Otherwise, all the report says is there are a bunch of things that are unexplained and they can’t explain them because they have no explanation for them.

Daily Wire tried to spice it up a bit by recalling some speculation about the report before it dropped:

The report, which is the unclassified version released to the public, said that UAP could pose a serious risk to U.S. national security if it is a foreign adversary that possesses a “breakthrough or disruptive technology.” The report found no evidence of any kind of alien life.

Famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, during an interview with podcast host Joe Rogan earlier this month, pushed back on those who were going around promoting the notion that UAP identified by the U.S. Military were little green men from outer space, noting the lack of evidence in today’s high tech world. Tyson said that if the UAP were extraterrestrial life from outer space, people would be pulling out their smart phones and would instantly start live-streaming footage of the objects, which would go viral on social media.

“I’m thinking, if we were being visited, somebody would have some good footage,” Tyson said. “If we were being visited, I’m thinking maybe Google satellite images would catch spaceships that are not airplanes moving on our surface. If we were being visited, I’m thinking we’d have something better than fuzzy, monochromatic video of objects that apparently only reveal themselves to Navy pilots.”

Townhall broke it down nicely… a nicely as nothing can be broken down into something:

When it comes to why there are so many “unexplained” instances, it comes down to “limited data” and “the possibility there are multiple types of UAP requiring different explanations.”

The report acknowledges there are “obstacles” such as “sociocultural stigmas and sensor limitations” as well as “some technical challenges” when it comes to reporting. 

There were, however, some noticeable patterns which the report did note. For instance, in 18 incidents, from 21 reports, the UFOs used “advanced technology,” with “unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics.”

In the end, the report revealed less than nothing. It took some progress in information that has been released in the past and muddied the waters to make it seem even less interesting than what we’ve been told thus far.

UFO enthusiasts hoping for bombshells will be disappointed. They also won’t be happy as this document basically tries to convince everyone that the government doesn’t know much about it at all. But as they say, “the truth is out there.”