Since Dr. Leana Wen took over Planned Parenthood in 2018, she has been on my radar. Her tenure there was short-lived, but then she reemerged to promote Pandemic Panic Theater.
Despite tracking her for nearly five years, I was shocked to learn that the China native was interviewed by Jake Tapper following the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013. I will not speculate about “false flag” attacks or “crisis actors” involved in the terrorist event, but Dr. Simon Goddek’s thread on Twitter brings it up so the question needs to be asked. Was she a crisis actor?
Here’s the thread:
🧵THREAD: Unveiling the Connections and Actions of @DrLeanaWen.
What a coincidence that it was Wen, 🇺🇸's and 🇨🇳's top Covid fearmonger, who was interviewed right after the Boston Bombing. She speaks as if she's struggling to recall her lines. At least her accent has improved.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
#3 It is, therefore, no coincidence that this Chinese-born woman was the biggest propagandist during Covid, doing everything in her power to suppress society in a Chinese-style manner, gaslighting them, and calling for inhumane measures, as the following tweets will demonstrate.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
#5 In August 2021, Wen stated that “we can’t trust the unvaccinated”. The fact that their, and the media's tones were getting harsher should raise concerns. History repeated itself and nobody was stopping them:
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
#7 Wen even demanded that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to leave their houses. One can only be stunned by her latest mental lapse.
The real scandal is that there was no media outrage against this totalitarian woman. Why is she still given a platform? Three years ago,…
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
#9 Meanwhile, @DrLeanaWen is now trying to save her own skin and publicly claims that she is "concerned about those who advocate for broad restrictions for all publicly." But that is exactly what she has been doing every day for over 2 years.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
#11 Addendum – the Boston Bombing Interview with 'Crisis Actor' @DrLeanaWen.
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) May 22, 2023
We know Dr. Wen has been involved in the pure evil of murdering preborn babies and later helped lead the charge to gaslight Americans about the Covid-19 “vaccines.” Can we add “crisis actor” to her resume?