Leana Wen

Did Vaxx-Nanny Supreme Leana Wen Get Started as a Crisis Actor During the Boston Marathon Bombing?

Since Dr. Leana Wen took over Planned Parenthood in 2018, she has been on my radar. Her tenure there was short-lived, but then she reemerged to promote Pandemic Panic Theater.

Despite tracking her for nearly five years, I was shocked to learn that the China native was interviewed by Jake Tapper following the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013. I will not speculate about “false flag” attacks or “crisis actors” involved in the terrorist event, but Dr. Simon Goddek’s thread on Twitter brings it up so the question needs to be asked. Was she a crisis actor?

Here’s the thread:

We know Dr. Wen has been involved in the pure evil of murdering preborn babies and later helped lead the charge to gaslight Americans about the Covid-19 “vaccines.” Can we add “crisis actor” to her resume?