Dear Leader Biden Yanks Down Face Mask to Yell at Someone During Somber 9_11 Ceremony

Dear Leader Biden Yanks Down Face Mask to Yell at Someone During Somber 9/11 Ceremony

Most Americans, even Democrats, are finally starting to realize our installed dictator is clueless. It turns out he’s classless as well.

Getty Images captured the moment when the occupant of the Oval Office took down his super-important-totally-effective-non-symbol-of-obedience, also known as a face mask, to scream at someone during the 9/11 ceremony today. It was Joe Biden and all of our country’s problems wrapped into a single moment. Even Bill Clinton seemed to appreciate the somber moment.

Twitter users had thoughts.

With all the bellyaching Democrats did during the Trump administration, one would think they’d be in fetal position by now watching Biden’s daily embarrassments.