Supporters of Joe Biden will say that the 78-year-old wasn’t asleep. He was just resting his eyes. They will say that his head didn’t nod, which means he was fully awake and listening to every word. But it seems pretty clear from the video below that he was, at the very least, in the early stages of falling asleep and was saved from the total embarrassment by an aide that happened upon him.
Biden appears to fall asleep during COP26 opening speeches
— Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) November 1, 2021
According to Sean Hannity:
The footage comes days after Biden met with French President Macron; telling the European leader the US arms sale to Australia was “clumsy.”
“Is your relationship repaired?” asked one reporter in Rome
“The answer is, I think we, uh, what happened, was uh, to use an English phrase… uh… clumsy,” said the American President.
Climate Czar John Kerry caused a stir on social media earlier this month after telling a French TV network that Joe Biden had “literally had not been aware” of the United States’ Nuclear submarine deal with Australia.
“President Biden asked me about it. And I told him about it. He asked me what the situation was. He had not been aware of that. He had literally not been aware of what had transpired,” said Kerry. “The President is very committed to strengthening the relationship.”
Was the leader of the free world asleep in the middle of a United Nations climate summit, or was he just oddly resting his eyes?