Benedict Biden’s Border Tweet Is so Ludicrous It Must Be Satire . . . But It’s Not

Joe Biden and his handlers truly believe the American people are absolute morons. They’ve demonstrated this time and again with constant gaslighting and the real-time revisionist history they’ve been feverishly writing since being installed in the White House. But there may be no worse example of their belief in citizen stupidity than the recent Tweet about the border.

We double- and triple-checked that this was not a parody account or intentional satire…

MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security – a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country. We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.

According to Biden, it’s “MAGA House Republicans” who are weak on the border and his regime is doing everything they can to secure it. Got it.

Needless to say, responses from patriots were enjoyable.

What makes it even funnier is that the phot he posted was from his one and only visit to the border. According to Fox News:

Biden’s tweet included a photo of himself shaking hands with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer, which was taken from his first and only trip to the border in El Paso, Texas, in January. Photos taken by Getty showed Biden briefly spoke with CBP officers sitting inside a mobile X-ray truck on the Bridge of the Americas border crossing.

Yes, the Biden-Harris regime believes we’re all stupid. Unfortunately, they’re right about around half of the country.